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Kimberly Repp

Greetings! I am Kimberly Repp and am the sole epidemiologist for a local health department serving a population of 542,000 people.

Kimberly Repp is the sole epidemiologist for Washington County Public Health in Hillsboro, Oregon. She received her doctorate in Microbiology from Arizona State University and her Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Oregon Health and Science University. Her recent publication, "A point-source norovirus outbreak caused by exposure to fomites" was featured on the cover of the Oregonian newspaper, and National Public Radio's "Science Friday" program, resulting in 4 television appearances with over 300 popular press articles. Her research interests include communicable disease, outbreak investigations and emergency preparedness. She is currently completing publications on norovirus transmission from diaper changing stations, evaluation of antibiotic prescription patterns for upper-respiratory tract infections and analysis of tuberculosis transmission in a local prison.

Kimberly Repp's Background

Kimberly Repp's Experience

Adjunct faculty at Pacific University

September 2011 - Present

I teach MHA-525, Community Health & Managerial Epidemiology at the Masters of Healthcare Administration Program at Pacific University

Research Assistant at Oregon State University

March 2011 - May 2011

Provided key scientific, technical, and administrative support for an investigator conducting clinical epidemiologic research in the areas of antibiotic-resistant bacterial diseases, antibiotic utilization, and medical informatics. Requires expertise in biostatistics/epidemiology, managing large relational datasets in SAS, statistical programming in SAS, and strong organizational skills.

Research Associate at Arizona State University

August 2002 - December 2005

Discovered and fully characterized Cryptococcus neoformans biofilm formation. Conceived an alamar blue assay for drug susceptibility testing of Candida albicans biofilms. Designed biofilm triple-stain protocol for multi-photon confocal laser scanning microscopes. Presented research monthly, to the Cancer Research Institute. Trained and remotely supervised several Cancer Research Institute employees. Met complex, local, state and federal safety requirements.

Teaching Assistant at Arizona State University

August 2002 - August 2004

Taught multiple microbiology laboratory sections, each with 14+ students. Developed lesson plans, quizzes/exams and experiments. Managed culture storage and preparation for microbiology department. Emphasized teamwork among new teaching assistants for maximum efficiency. Chaired daily lab meetings for lab manager as needed.

Epidemiologist at Washington County

May 2011

Investigate outbreaks or clusters of disease. Provide consultation on or lead critical disease outbreak or contact investigations; including compiling information from multiple sources to aid in determining agents, or evaluating the environmental aspects contributing to communicable disease conditions and identifying corrective actions for morbidity and mortality.

Kimberly Repp's Education

Oregon Health and Science University

2009 – 2011


Concentration: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Arizona State University

2002 – 2005


Concentration: Microbiology

Willamette University

1997 – 2001


Concentration: Biology and Philosophy

Kimberly Repp's Interests & Activities

Epidemiology, infectious disease, death investigation, forensic epidemiology, public health, research, fungal biofilms, HPV, norovirus, environmental health, biostatistics, SAS, Stata, disease transmission

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